Coach Education & Development 3 of 5

3. Level 2 Certificate in Strength & Conditioning Course

The 1st4sport Level 2 Certificate in Coaching Strength and Conditioning for Sport (QCF) (L2CCSCSQ) is awarded by 1st4sport Qualifications.

On successful completion of the Level 2 Certificate in Coaching Strength and Conditioning for Sport, you should:

• understand the fundamentals of coaching sport
• understand how to develop participants through coaching sport
• understand how to support participants’ lifestyles through coaching sport
• understand the principles of safe and equitable coaching practice
• be able to plan a series of strength and conditioning for sport coaching sessions
• be able to prepare the strength and conditioning for sport coaching environment
• be able to deliver a series of strength and conditioning for sport coaching sessions
• be able to monitor and evaluate strength and conditioning for sport coaching sessions.

How will my learning programme be structured?

The learning programme will involve an intensive 3 day period 14-16 Mar 16, then an assessment day on 03 May 16.

All learning programmes will include the following phases:

• an induction to the qualification and your programme of learning and assessment
• a learning programme that meets your needs, focusing on the theory and practice of coaching strength and conditioning for sport
• a programme of assessment, spread throughout the course, including observations of your coaching by an appropriately qualified assessor.

At the end of the programme, you will be provided with formal feedback on your performance and an action plan for your further development.

Please book on via Maj B Bader (Director of Army Rugby League Coaching and Development). 07810 503533 or